A few natural remedies to finish with the EP

Grandma's Remedies To Care For Premature Ejaculation.

We give you simple recipes for treatment of premature ejaculation. This trick allows you as soon as you follow good advice to overcome your premature ejaculation. Healing is not automatic. It takes a lot of patience, be decided at end of cure for once good. You can follow these natural remedies grandmother also following the exercises described on this site. Remember, also, that we have designed a product for a quick treatment of premature ejaculation.

Option 1: ice water

Drink 15-20 minutes before sexual activity, 2 good cups of fresh water. This trick soothes the nerves and lowers the emotional tension.

Option 2: little cola.

Eat 2 small colas, swallow everything away from sexual (1-2 weeks of treatment) reports every day before the bath. Lie on your back on the floor, feet up and take them down without touching the ground.

Option 3: vegetables

Consuming the tomato cut into small pieces in the buttermilk with egg yolk. Drink the liquid and consume raw.

Other remedies of the grandmother

Follow also a few virtues medical of certain fruits, vegetables and dietary secrets.

Tomato: it treats the stacks of the digestive canal and avoids diarrhoea.

cabbage: he treats the bronchitte, internal wounds, hemorrhoids, colic, ulcers, rheumatism.

garlic: it regulates blood pressure, it's a real aphrodisiac, used in the treatment of sexual impotence.

Ginger: good for the intestinal wounds. It is also used to treat erectile problems.

How to treat your impotence? Little cola + Mint

Boil a cup of water and add: 2 cola(feuilles et écorce) handles, 1 clove of garlic, a handful of peppermint (leaf). Removed from the heat, cover and let steep for 5 minutes. Drink a cup a day for 2 weeks.

How to treat sexual weakness? Little cola, ginger and onion

Overwrite everything, put the dough in a plate, add a little water, juice of ripe lemon and sugar to your taste. Strain and drink.

How to treat frigidity? Parsley, onion, carrot, honey.

Boil the following mixture: carrot, 2 pinches of parsley (leaves), 2 cloves of onion axes. Remove from heat, cover and let steep 5 minutes. Filter, add honey. Drink 2 cups a day.

An Effective Product To Treat Premature Ejaculation.


We have for you a very effective product, to permanently cure premature ejaculation. It is a composition of plants, African roots to cure your recent ejaculation or long dates. It is an essentially natural treatment with no side effects or complications. This product called "early-plant", gives very good results. Very simple to use. You suffer from an ejaculation of less than 6 months, a bag is enough to definitely treat premature ejaculation. If your problem already lasts more than 6 months, you need 2 to 3 sachets for a good treatment.

Do you suffer from a primary or secondary ejaculation? Do you suffer from an ejaculation that ruins your life? Have you ever used a product that did not work for you? Do you want an effective and definitive treatment to heal your premature ejaculation? Ejaculate in less than a minute, 2, 3, 4, 5 minutes and do you want to ejaculate more than 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, even 30 minutes? this product offers you great surprises.
